An alleyway down the river in Deptford, one of the top 4 most gentrified areas in London 2023 to. On the other side of the river, Canary Wharf. The Thames, the division between to very different places but at the same time the same. The present and the future.
Capitalism, living crisis, gas, war, ideals, fight, search, limited, difference, power, powerless, limitless, electricity, gentrification. Few of the words that constructed this piece.
A bed on the river between these two points. The performers on the stairs as a representation of the social, economic, cultural and racial structure where the basics need have become unattainable; more to some than others. The rising ties pushing us little by little away from this bed. The tide as one of the currents we face everyday in search of our needs.
Living, drowning.
The currents move, we all move. The ideals becomes unreachable. The unreachable becomes the unseen. Under the water. The currents move, it comes out again.
Collaboration with Marje hirvonen and Youcef Hadjazi.
A finance worker in Canary Wharf ordered their third oat Flat White using their Prêt-â-Manger subscription at £25 per month,
Someone else on the same street in a council flat is looking for a private 2-bed flat as a third child is expected.
Someone at Lidl Hackney couldn’t afford their usual block of Parmigiano at £3 and got the cheaper, grated version instead at £1.50,
The person queueing behind the person aforementioned just purchased £30-worth of scratch cards.
Someone across the river owning a newly built flat just topped up their yearly Oyster at £1.916,
Someone neighbouring them in a social estate just topped up £12.5 on their Oyster.
A 43-year-old woman in Deptford arrived late to her café shift at £9.50 per hour,
A 23-year-old man just got on the train from his Liverpool Street, office-based position at £95,000 per year.
A White man just booked his theatre ticket at a full price of £36.60,
A Brown man from the crew of the latter theatre just paid £366 towards his debt.
Someone in Mayfair just settled the bill of a business meeting at £373 and asked for a Dry Martini with 2 olives,
Someone else in the next table just confirmed they have £373 left in their bank account.
A certain person in Camden just dropped 12 Sainsbury’s free range large eggs after receiving a text for a flat offer in Kilburn,
A certain other person living roughly the same Camden street has just rounded £12 from begging all afternoon
Someone in Ladbroke Grove just spent 53 minutes in a phone queue waiting to speak to a British Gas representative to ask for financial help,
Someone else, not far from Ladbroke Grove, capped the Government Support Scheme for energy at £400 over the proceeding 6-months.
A private resident in WC1 just purchased a bottle of Veuve Clicquot champagne at £47.50 after their offer to buy an E20 property was accepted,
Another private resident in E20 just received a phone call from their landlord giving them a month’s notice to move-out of the property on the grounds of the landlord’s ‘personal needs’.
Someone in Brixton just placed an ASOS order for a holiday they have planned for a 3 months; 3 weeks’ and 3 days,
Someone else in Brixton just booked a train ticket from Waterloo Station to see their mother in a care home in Yorkshire.
A British citizen in Lidl Tooting just questioned their Brexit vote after noticing the banana sizes not having changed,
Another British citizen at Stansted Airport was satisfied about their Brexit vote while travelling to Portugal on an Irish passport.
A nurse at Royal London Hospital I just walked out of her shift in support of a national Strike,
Another nurse at Portland Hospital just started another shift.
Someone in Haggerston just bought a loaf of artisan bread at £6.30,
Another person on the same Haggerston Street just bought a Iceland’s loaf of bread at £1.30.
Someone at home somewhere in London just received an email from the Home Office asking them to submit further documentation for the Leave to Remain application,
Someone else somewhere in London just sent their application and supporting documents form for a Digital Nomad visa to the Estonian Embassy.